امروز دو نفر بهم گفتن که چرا نمی نويسم. امروز روز خوبی نيست واسه نوشتن برای اينکه دلتنگم. برای اينکه دلم تنگ شده . برای اينکه زندگی آسون نيست. امروز شش کيلومتر دويدم و دوازده ساعت کار کردم ولی روزتموم نمی شه. برای اينکه سعی می کنم قوی باشم . هنوز بعد ازچهار هفته زندگی عادی نشده. برای اينکه من قلبم از آهن نيست. اگه خدايی وجود داشته باشه شکر می کنم که دوستهای خيلی خوبی دارم. کار خوب دارم و از پس خودم بر ميام. از هفته ديگه واليبال شروغ می شه و خوش می گذره. فردا دوباره مرجان خوش اخلاق و اميدوار می شم. امروز روز خوبی نيست واسه نوشتن.
At 6:08 AM,
yoota said…
آخی دخمل ...
At 7:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
چقدر خوبه که میدویی فکر میکنم تنها چیزی که تو دنیا میتونه آدم رو رها کنه غیر از شنا دویدنه .بهت حسودی کردم .عجیبه یکوقت دوری من و تو مدت کوتاهی همکار بودیم .توی شرکت کیسون . الان که داشتم عکست رو اون پایین نگاه میکردم اصلا نتونستم قیافه ات رو بیاد بیارم. بهر حال امید وارم شاد باشی .
At 8:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
Why don't you start going to gym, it's gonna help you out plus it's a good place to meet other single people!
At 3:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
No, life ain't easy. You're not the only one who feels that way. Sometimes, especially when I'm stuck in a crisis, I tell myself, suffering is there, for me to grow up, to get thick-skinned... but words don't always help. I think of all the starving people in Africa, the poor children with their bellies swollen with hunger; I try to break out of my egotistical confines, but you're right, it ain't easy. Your friend is right, it's good that you've taken up jogging. What are you referring to, when you say "chahar hafteh ast ke..."? Did you experience a break-up? The problem is, once a break-up takes place, most of us look around to fill up the void, and sometimes we end up filling it with the wrong people, while we should've given ourselves some breathing-space. After all solitude is much better than the company of people who don't understand us. I wish my days were long like yours. Enjoy these days and try to fill them with learning and experiencing. I guess that's why we're here: To suffer and learn from our suffering. Ultimately we might reach a point which Beethoven experienced: Durch Leiden, sich freuen zu koennen or sth. like that, meaning "to be able to derive pleasure from suffering." Sorry for making it so looooooooooong.
At 11:25 PM,
شراره شریعت زاده said…
سعی کن تمام وقتت را پر کنی.. خوشحالم که نوشتی.بنویس حتی یک کلمه...حتی وقتی نمی تونی فریاد بزنی بنویس
At 8:39 PM,
The Tough Guy said…
No! Life is not supposed to be easy. specially in this side of the globe and being single. Do you know what a black African guy told me once? He said: You gotta live the life but you need someone beside you. You, together make everything happen and make life easier. See? An African guy who prob. didn't have anything to have back home says that. Isn't that true?
At 9:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
No that's not true at all. If you were really tough, you would know better. That black chum of yours knew nothing, he just spoke your mind and no wonder, cuz: Birds of a feather f- together! I'm happy that you've found your Mr. Right. Someone, who's really tough, doesn't need no garbage beside her side. She'll wait for the right guy, the one who's really tough, both in body and mind. Start working on your grey cells, "Tough Guy", that is, if you've got any left.
At 7:19 PM,
The Tough Guy said…
Let's say you're genius Miss Anonymous. No one needs a soulmate. Is that what you're trying to say? Or what
At 8:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
A soulmate of course, but not any nimcompoop. At times solitude is better than having a good-for-nothing partner. I also apologize for taking it too far Miss Tough Guy (this is just because you called me a "Miss"), but I'll leave it at that. Don't bother to respond. I'll be waiting to see what Marmaru is going to write next. I guess this site should be more about her than what you and think. Take care and wish you all the best on your quest for a soulmate.
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