Whole New Thing
ديشب با بهمن رفتم فيلم Whole new thing رو ديدم. خيلی فيلم قشنگی بود. داستان فيلم در استان نوا اسکوشيای کانادا اتفاق می افته. داستان يک پسر سيزده ساله است که مدرسه نمی ره و تو خونه درس می خونه و پدر مادرش طرفدار سر سخت محيط زيست هستن. رابطه این خانواده سه نفره با هم خيلی با نمکه. و اتفاقهايی که بعدش ميافته هم خيلی جالبه. از دوتا فيلم آخری که من ديده بودم خيلی بهتر بود. Davinci Code رو توی آخر هفته ديدم که واقعا فيلم بی خودی بود. و United 93 رو هم هفته پيش ديدم که اعصاب خورد کن بود.
راستی اين پست اين دوست من رو ببينين راجع به ...( آخه چی بنويسم خودتو بخونين)اين پست رو بعد از يک بحث فلسفی که من و نينجا داشتيم نوشته. من داشتم بهش می گفتم که با پسر های ايرونی دوست نشو. کانادايی ها خيلی بهترن. اونم نگران بود که پسرای کانادايی کثيفن و مثل ايرانی ها از آفتابه استفاده نمی کنن!من کامنت گذاشتم برای اين مطلب که می تونین نظر منو بخونين!
حالا که اینها رو خوندين برين عکساشم ببينين. چند تا عکس از من هم داره.
راستی اين پست اين دوست من رو ببينين راجع به ...( آخه چی بنويسم خودتو بخونين)اين پست رو بعد از يک بحث فلسفی که من و نينجا داشتيم نوشته. من داشتم بهش می گفتم که با پسر های ايرونی دوست نشو. کانادايی ها خيلی بهترن. اونم نگران بود که پسرای کانادايی کثيفن و مثل ايرانی ها از آفتابه استفاده نمی کنن!من کامنت گذاشتم برای اين مطلب که می تونین نظر منو بخونين!
حالا که اینها رو خوندين برين عکساشم ببينين. چند تا عکس از من هم داره.
At 8:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Who's Yasmin? She's so beautiful!
At 8:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
I wonder how you came to like "A Whole New Thing"! I went with high hopes and was totally disappointed. There are lots of low-budget movies that have been successful, but not this one. There are some funny parts in the movie, for example, when the husband is working on how to benefit from "SHIT", but overall the plot is extremely shaky. The director has left a lot of loose ends hanging here and there. I can understand how the wife cheats on her husband, but once the husband gets a hang of things and wreaks havoc in the guy's home, we are left wondering how is he going to pay for it? All we hear is a loud bang on the door! The teacher who was assigning crappy books, all of a sudden turns into this creative Shakespearean scholar-- bit of an exaggeration on my part, but that's what happens, more or less. Last but not least is that the movie ends on such a je ne sais quoi note: What is the teenage boy really dreaming about? Who cares after all those unanswered questions that pop up in the movie? No character development, no well-crafted plot... As for the 9/11 movie, it was at least well-crafted, though, I certainly agree with you, that it was too nerve-racking to watch. Besides, movies like this only give rise to further anti-Arab sentiments. As far as boyfriends go, I would definitely recommend Canadian guys: They tend to be more faithful, less ZURGU and more trustworthy overall. It took me some time to find a blog worth commenting on. Keep up the good work!
At 8:52 PM,
Sooski said…
Hi Marjan,
You should become a model. I am serious. You've got a stunning natural beauty.
At 10:55 PM,
The Tough Guy said…
The Da Vinci Code is difficult to understand for the people who know nothing about Christianity and its history and has no interest in it. That's not a bad movie. It's just not a movie for everyone. I'd say it's a movie specifically made for North Americans and Europeans. Beisdes if the audience has a problem with understanding English dialogues specially the British accesnt, the movie turns to just boring scenes of people who move their lips! I had the problem with the first thing I mentioned but liked the movie finally. Furthermore if you read the book that would help a lot. That's what I'm gonna do!
At 5:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
nice photos!
yours,i mean.
At 1:29 PM,
New Westminster Living said…
Interesting to get into Iranian girls mind as far as the opposite sex is concerned.
So let me get this straight: Iranian girls don't give flying fuck whether the dude is intelligent, has a good shoulder on his head, is interesting, goal-oriented, etc. all the care is that the dude washes his ass after a bowl movement or not.
Tell you what? don't date at all until you mature. Get back to playing with dolls.
At 11:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Judgging ass smell based on people's nationality is one of the coolest arguments ever.
I have a big issue with your iranian-canadian judgments, if you haven't got the chance to met iranians (communities not individuals)that match your character does not neccessary means they do not exist.
But despite all this, I wonder if its the smell or something that I find your spirit lovely, it has some ingrediants that's missing with lots of Girls.
Keep updating....
At 7:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
I thought Iranian girls cared about a man who had a good head on his shoulders. No way they would want good shoulders on the head! I don't think a guy would like that either: Looks too deformed, if you ask me. LOL! She's simply making a comment. She doesn't mean that, that's all she cares about. Besides, she's talking about cleanliness here, not INTELLIGENCE.
At 12:38 PM,
New Westminster Living said…
Dear anonymous
I don't care one way or the other.
However,I couldn't help but wonder if those criteria I stated above come into play as well or just the very fact that Iranian dudes fare better in cleanliness as far as their ... how shall I say it politely? bottoms are concerned.
At 2:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear New Westminister Living,
Point well-taken. Besides, who knows if as you put it, Iranian dudes have "cleaner bottoms"! What constitutes the worth of a person goes far beyond that area, I definitely agree with you. I do sense some shallowness: "Look at my pictures!" in this blog as well. Such acts diminish one's beauty. It might be true, as they claim that the first thing someone notices in them is that "I'm cute!"; however, beauty at all levels is a gift and should be treated as one-- not flaunted as some sort of commodity. As the saying goes: Gol anast ke xod bebooyad, na anke attar begooyad.
At 6:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's "moshk". It's the problem of having lived outside Iran for all these years. Of course, no denying that you're a "gol."
At 6:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Just give it a few years…hun
You’ll realize that living/having a long term relationship with
a non-Iranian guy doesn’t work in reality.
it’s just a matter of time.
At 8:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Have long did her marriage with an Iranian guy last, if I may ask? It's not about nationality, it's about chemistry.
At 11:12 PM,
New Westminster Living said…
Iranian non Iranian that's not an issue. The issue is whether you have any proclivity to acknowledge and appreciate certain standards in a partner for a long term relationship or one night stand.
The relationship discourse among these kids are fascinating though.
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