عصر غمگين يکشنبه
امروز یکشنبه است و درست مثل عصرهای جمعه خودمون غمگين. من زياد از دوشنبه ها بدم نمیاد اونجوری که همه اینجا بدشون مياد. ولی عصر يکشنبه خيلی دلگيره. احتیاج به موسيقی درمانی دارم. هفته پيش فيلم ال گور رو ديدم يک بار چهارشنبه و يک بار پنجشنبه. باعث می شه که آدم به دنيا يه جور دیگه نگاه کنه. حالا دیگه هر دفعه سوار اتوبوس می شم احساس خوبی دارم. و خوشحالم که ماشينم رو فروختم و اینکه تو خونه زندگی می کنم که آشغالها مو ریسايکل می کنم. ولی هنوز خيلی زندگی مصرفی دارم و عوض کردن این عادت ها آسون نيست. ديشب ساعت چهار صبح اومدم خونه و اصلا حالم خوب نيست. من به شب زنده داری عادت ندارم. مخصوصا اگه با موزيک با صدای بلند همراه باشه. کاشکی می تونستم مثل این ملت توی کلاب که واسه خودشون می رقصن و حال می کنن باشم. من خيلی همش نگران اینم که چی کار دارم می کنم که نمی تونم مثل اونها از رقصيدن لذت ببرم. ارواح عمم قرار بود که ماه ژانويه اصلا خريد نکنم ولی نشد. نتونستم در برابر خريدن ویی مقاومت کنم. حالا فوريه رو امتحان می کنم.
At 6:11 PM,
Shadan said…
sunday evenings suck
"wii" is the answer marj
At 11:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
ey daad az iin asreh yekshanbeh, beh khosos agar doshanbehaa 3 taa meeting pey dar pey daashte baashi.
At 2:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's interesting to hear these things from you cause with your huge readership, one doesn't expect you to be overcome with boredom on a Sunday afternoon. For one thing, I always thought the comments would keep you busy :)
At 3:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
salam marjan banoo. khobi?? az akharin posti ke toye in safhe dari ta alan naioomade boodam. mikham faghat be oon aghaye commentie begam ke khosh be hale ma ke mitoonim porno star ham beshim, to ke orzeye hamoono ham nadari!?!?!?!?!!!! dar zemn age marjan ha ba mamanashoon mobareze nakonanbazam marjan mimoonan?? movafagh bashi. va ashegh.
At 3:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 4:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
You worry too much!! I think when we all worry about little things, life becomes harder and harder...Cut yourself some slack...People are different, some like clubbing some don't...so why worry about why you don't like it! It's like saying why do I not like yellow and miss x does...life is short, enjoy it!
At 7:51 PM,
The Tough Guy said…
...well a sad evening of Fri. happens in Iran because basically there's not much to do. But I'm really surprised that you're saying this. Here, you have bunch of choices. You can go to a gym and exercise, you can catch a movie, you can go to a cafe or bar and meet new people or simple listen to music or read and enjoy your drink, you can ... .
So what makes you upset and downhearted is not really a Sun. evening. That's something which is inside you all week long, all year round. Just try to fix that 'cause you know what it is.
At 7:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
salam marjan
man fek mikonam aghe bara khdoet ye mashgholiyate zehnie khob peida koni va khodeto ba oon mashgool koni kolli moshkelatet hal mishe . manozram peida kardan ye mard nis manzoram peida kardan ye idea khobeh , fek kon bebin chi has ke toro mitone erza koneh pool ? varzesh ? film ? football ? bad boro donbale oon ! aghe fek mikoni niaz dari daramadet bere bala fek kon bebin che tavanie haie dari va ro oon zoom kon , aghe fek mikoni varzesh doos dari ye barname 1i do saate bezar va roozaneh bodo ! vaghti miresi khone enghad khasteie ke intor chiza be fekret nemirese dar har hal be nazare man ye harakate taze mitone toro motehavel koneh ! :)
At 1:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
More than your blog, I enjoy reading the comments. There's nothing special about the blog itself: Nothing intellectual, cultural, educational. But it is wonderful in acting as a vehicle for people to voice their ideas and therein lies its appeal. The contrast in the remarks... the way some idolize this young woman in the West and follow her diary so avidly... the way some bash her, but still continue reading her blog. It's sometimes like a comedy series that you continue watching although you know it's all crap. Yet, regardless of the lack of the educational quality in a dime novel or a soap opera, they are tools that have been useful in keeping one's mind off the real problems in life... Again going back to one of the comments, for instance, so what that some dance like crazy till the wee hours and why want to be like them anyway? Life is too short to be wasted away in clubs. Yet one reads about your desire to resemble one of those party-goers who, rarely, if ever, care about the world at large... but the comments... if anything, they reflect the diversity of attitudes prevailing amongst us Iranians. Some of them indicate profound observation of psychological issues and others are so full of BS to say the least.
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